Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Backlog: Uniform

Nothing Says Official Like Uniform

Note: This post is dated first week of March. However, due to my own stupidity, I thought all this time that blogger was broken. Apparently not. Updates will now resume.

Yes! Ladies and Gents, finally we got to don our still pristine white uniforms this week as my classmates and I run full steam ahead into this brave new world. I mean sure I had some classmates who already wore their chef’s jackets last week, but only at the start of this week was it required. I actually couldn’t believe that there were people more eager than I was to wear the thing. That or, I couldn’t believe that I actually managed to choke down the desire to put it on as soon as I laid-hands on it.

Its true, and I can attest that nothing says official like Uniforms. At least that’s how I felt like as soon as I started getting dressed in front of the mirror early Monday morning. Slowly putting an arm into a sleeve then swinging it over my back to insert the other arm, then gently caressing the sides as I tidied it down before I lovingly fastened each button, and finally pulling down the bottom edges of the jacket to straighten everything up. I savored the first few glances. What was looking back at me was a vision; in all it’s gleaming white double-breasted glory. I let the ‘official-ity’ of everything wash over me for a moment until I realized the unavoidable truth: that this would probably look much much better if I had my pants on.

JC Dayo

Even I found that a rather strange yet funny realization. Kudos to pants!