Monday, February 16, 2009

First Day Jitters

I set the alarm to go off at 7AM, I was however somewhat irked to already be up at 6. I took advantage of my unusually early waking to do my quiet time and say a short silent prayer. I guess I didn’t realize just how excited I was for my first day in cooking school until I found myself dressed at 7:30AM for a 10AM class. They did call Sunday telling us to come early, but I had to admit, it was a bit ridiculous that I was already dressed and ready to go. We were told to come in black pants, white shirt, and shoes. Not wanting to wear rubber shoes with my formal looking black pants, I went ahead and wore dress shoes. It wasn’t till later on that I realized that I should have gone with the rubber shoes.

I took my time with breakfast, having a small bowl of cereal, a piece of pandesal, a slice of SPAM, and an egg (Nothing gourmet about that). My mind, however, was already elsewhere.

I was getting really restless at home waiting for time to crawl by some so I wouldn’t look like an over-eager idiot arriving 2 hours too early. But an over-eager idiot I was. At 8:30AM I was already parked and heading up the stairs to the old rustic CafĂ©. I sat myself down on a booth to the left, and remained silent making sure I was ready mentally and physically. Early as I was, the place already buzzed with its usual patrons enjoying their breakfast. The smell of breakfast food and fresh brewed coffee mixed with cigarette smoke wafted around me. Strangely, it helped settle my nerves a bit.

It was every bit like your regular first day of school. Strangers sitting together not saying a word, except behind you are some heavy-duty burners, ovens, and various kitchen implements. Not to mention, that your classmates ranged from 18 to 40 years of age. The age difference didn’t help the ice breaking process one bit. If anything, made it more awkward. Try to imagine it for a sec. Curly-long-haired-dude, trendy headphone a la Skullcandy hung around his neck, music still blaring so loud that I could still vaguely hear it from across the room, sitting beside Mrs.40-something, purse settled squarely on her lap, complete with pearl earrings. And these people are supposed to talk? I imagine the conversation going something like:

“Hey, how’s it goin? So like, you’re taking culinary too. That’s like awesome.”

Feigned smile, and politely says; “Yes. Imagine that.” Inwardly, she’s thanking God she doesn’t have a daughter anywhere near his age.

The day really picked up for me when they handed us our Chef’s Kit. Believe me, just running my hand over the surface of that bag made me feel legit! And opening that thing -- man! I felt like a kid finally being able to open a gift that I desperately anticipated a whole year to get. I slowly unbuckled it open. Inwardly I was jumping up and down. I never thought I’d ever be that excited to see a whisk in my entire life. (Shuttup!) And I could’ve sworn I heard angels singing when I saw the knife set all shiny glinting with fluorescent glory. However, what I felt seconds after was less divine. Every fiber in my being was screaming: “LETS CUT SOMETHING UP!! NOW!” It wasn’t rage it wasn’t some other strong emotion. Its just that never in my life have I really wanted; with a burning passion…to chop vegetables as I did in those moments. I swear if they didn’t hand me that green bell pepper, I would have stabbed somebody and julienned the life out of someone’s arm. Good thing it was Basic Knife Techniques day and I was able to satiate my need to spill some vegetable juice on the ground. Needless to say, I think I need to bring a carrot or an onion in my bag, in the off chance that I find the urge to dice something and find nothing but a classmate.

Except for wearing formal dress shoes, which hurt my feet standing up as long as we did, it turned out to be a truly awesome day. A lot of fears were unfounded, people eventually warmed up to each other (Yes, even hipster guy and pearl earring mom), I met and made new friends, I didn’t stab said new friends, sliced and diced a good amount of fresh produce, had fun, felt like I really belonged in that kitchen, and reveled in the fact that come Wednesday, I’ll be in school again. (This time, hopefully, with more comfortable footwear.)

Meanwhile, I’ll be stroking my knives while saying; “My precious…” Hoping to God that I don’t cut myself lest I bleed on the shiny thing.


JC Dayo

Oh come on! It’s the same feeling you get when you get a new pen fresh off the shelf. Yes! See you get it. Don’t you just itch to stab something with it? Kidding.


  1. Got a kick out of this :) Strangely, I giggled most about the older lady with pearls, which seems to remind me of well, me. Congratulations Jace and good luck! Its time to invest in black crocs. :)

  2. Thanks Cathy! About the black Crocs, we'll have to see. I really don't like how they look, but if its the most comfortable choice, I just might consider it.

  3. Hey!saw ur blog thru Philmug. had fun reading.haha anyway, if ur getting clogs, i suggest you check out Sanitas from Santis. (I tried birks but i trashed em,felt comfy at first but after hours of cooking,they sucked..haven't tried crocs though..)

  4. Hey lace! Glad you had fun reading through. Yeah I got the Sanitas. I hope its as comfy as they say. I've been hearing good reviews for Crocs, but I've only tried them on inside the store. So you're in the food industry as well?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. a Hrim graduate with a major in culinary arts..ive been out of the kitchen since 08 til now though.still trying to get back on track. btw, where are u studying culinary?

  7. Center for Asian Culinary Studies. Where did you graduate?

  8. Nice. I graduated from CSB, I have friends that graduated from your school as well. I met them through an internship at Edsa Shangri La.
